
Build your workflow with PacBio Compatible

We work with a wide range of industry-leading organizations to ensure the compatibility of products optimized for use in PacBio workflows. Our partners have been qualified by PacBio scientists to provide seamless integration and support for customers who are just starting out with PacBio sequencing or expanding their current capabilities. 

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DNAnexus is a software partner with a platform to analyze large amounts of raw genetic data, share, collaborate, and integrate genetic data with other types of data, such as data from electronic medical records or imaging data. Analysis pipelines for PacBio data offered on DNAnexus include the PacBio WGS Variant Pipeline, TRGT, Paraphase, and Sentieon.


DNAstack is a software company that develops Omics AI, a modular software suite for integrating, sharing, and analyzing omics and health data. Omics AI is compliant with open standards developed by the Global Alliance for Genomics & Health. Workbench is a product within Omics AI that enables you to run best practices and custom analysis pipelines on data from PacBio and other instruments, in your own environment in Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and on-premise.

Form Bio

Form Bio is a cutting-edge computational life sciences platform for research teams and enterprises. With an accessible, comprehensive, and collaborative platform alongside powerful AI-based solutions and bioinformatics services, Form Bio empowers scientists to efficiently and effectively harness the proliferation of data and computing power that has transformed the science of discovery. Analysis pipelines for PacBio data offered on Form Bio include the PacBio WGS Variant Pipeline and AAV QC.

Google Health

Google Health is a strategic development partner for DeepConsensus integration into the PacBio Revio system. Google Health’s DeepVariant software analysis of PacBio HiFi data won best performance in variant calling for all benchmark regions in the Precision FDA Truth Challenge v2.

Google Health resources
DeepVariant analysis using Revio data


NVIDIA’S invention of the GPU in 1999 sparked the growth of the PC gaming market, redefined modern computer graphics, and revolutionized parallel computing. More recently, GPU deep learning ignited modern AI — the next era of computing — with the GPU acting as the brain of computers, robots, and self-driving cars that can perceive and understand the world. NVIDIA is a data computation and storage partner of PacBio that has shown successful deep learning models to polish HiFi reads. PacBio sequencing data outputs can be analyzed by NVIDIA Parabricks®, the only GPU-accelerated computational genomics toolkit for secondary analysis, which delivers fast and accurate analysis for sequencing centers, clinical teams, and researchers.


Sentieon is a data analysis partner for processing and accelerating PacBio FASTQ to VCF data processing. Sentieon’s DNAscope tool takes advantage of the improved quality and long read length of PacBio HiFi reads to perform quick and accurate variant calling using specially calibrated machine learning models.

Sentieon resources
WGS pipeline

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Workflow Step
Sequencing platforms

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