June 9, 2022  |  Sample + library preparation

Application brief — HiFi target enrichment with Twist probes

With HiFi target enrichment you can easily and cost-effectively sequence just the genes you care about at scale. Design custom gene panels with our partners at Twist, sequence them with long and accurate HiFi reads, and get all the benefits you expect from HiFi reads: comprehensive detection of single nucleotide variants, structural variants, and indels. HiFi target enrichment is the only technology that can resolve complex gene families like HLA or Cytochrome P450 genes with haplotype resolution.​

May 16, 2022  |  Gene therapy + editing

Application brochure — AAV Sequencing with HiFi Reads

With Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT®) sequencing on the Sequel® IIe systems, you can sequence AAV
genome populations to identify truncation, mutation, and host integration events. The AAV workflow from
PacBio® accommodates both scAAV and ssAAV constructs with easy on-instrument HiFi read generation

April 20, 2022  |  Products, procedures + protocols

Application brief — Measuring DNA methylation with 5-base HiFi sequencing

HiFi sequencing produces long, accurate reads of the 4 DNA bases — A, C, G, and T — that deliver the most comprehensive characterization of genomes. But HiFi sequencing is not limited to characterizing the genome. It simultaneously measures the epigenome by detecting a fifth base — 5mC at CpG sites — without requiring special library preparation like bisulfite treatment. This detects distinct regional epigenetic patterns, accesses methylation in the full genome, and identifies allele-specific methylation.

April 7, 2022  |  Cancer research

Application brief — Uncover cancer-specific RNA isoforms using long read sequencing

The Iso-Seq method utilizes long-read transcript sequencing to reliably capture full-length transcript isoforms without the need for
computational assembly. PacBio’s long-read RNA sequencing is also significantly less error-prone than other long-read sequencing
technologies, offering more robust and accurate isoform discovery power.9,10 Future research will continue to explore the complex and
mostly unexplored landscape of isoforms across cancer types.

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