September 22, 2019

Whole genome sequence and comparative analysis of Borrelia burgdorferi MM1.

Lyme disease is caused by spirochaetes of the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato genospecies. Complete genome assemblies are available for fewer than ten strains of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, the primary cause of Lyme disease in North America. MM1 is a sensu stricto strain originally isolated in the midwestern United States. Aside from a small number of genes, the complete genome sequence of this strain has not been reported. Here we present the complete genome sequence of MM1 in relation to other sensu stricto strains and in terms of its Multi Locus Sequence Typing. Our results indicate that MM1 is a new sequence type which contains a conserved main chromosome and 15 plasmids. Our results include the first contiguous 28.5 kb assembly of lp28-8, a linear plasmid carrying the vls antigenic variation system, from a Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto strain.

September 22, 2019

Mycobacterial biomaterials and resources for researchers.

There are many resources available to mycobacterial researchers, including culture collections around the world that distribute biomaterials to the general scientific community, genomic and clinical databases, and powerful bioinformatics tools. However, many of these resources may be unknown to the research community. This review article aims to summarize and publicize many of these resources, thus strengthening the quality and reproducibility of mycobacterial research by providing the scientific community access to authenticated and quality-controlled biomaterials and a wealth of information, analytical tools and research opportunities.

September 22, 2019

Computational comparison of availability in CTL/gag epitopes among patients with acute and chronic HIV-1 infection.

Recent studies indicate that there is selection bias for transmission of viral polymorphisms associated with higher viral fitness. Furthermore, after transmission and before a specific immune response is mounted in the recipient, the virus undergoes a number of reversions which allow an increase in their replicative capacity. These aspects, and others, affect the viral population characteristic of early acute infection.160 singlegag-gene amplifications were obtained by limiting-dilution RT-PCR from plasma samples of 8 ARV-naïve patients with early acute infection (<30?days, 22?days average) and 8 ARV-naive patients with approximately a year of infection (10 amplicons per patient). Sanger sequencing and NGS SMRT technology (Pacific Biosciences) were implemented to sequence the amplicons. Phylogenetic analysis was performed by using MEGA 6.06. HLA-I (A and B) typing was performed by SSOP-PCR method. The chromatograms were analyzed with Sequencher 4.10. Epitopes and immune-proteosomal cleavages prediction was performed with CBS prediction server for the 30 HLA-A and -B alleles most prevalent in our population with peptide lengths from 8 to 14 mer. Cytotoxic response prediction was performed by using IEDB Analysis Resource.After implementing epitope prediction analysis, we identified a total number of 325 possible viral epitopes present in two or more acute or chronic patients. 60.3% (n?=?196) of them were present only in acute infection (prevalent acute epitopes) while 39.7% (n?=?129) were present only in chronic infection (prevalent chronic epitopes). Within p24, the difference was equally dramatic with 59.4% (79/133) being acute epitopes (p?

September 22, 2019

Mosaic structure as the main feature of Mycobacterium bovis BCG genomes

Background: The genome stability of attenuated live BCG vaccine preventing the acute forms of childhood tuberculosis is an important aspect of vaccine production. The pur- pose of our study was a whole genome comparative analysis of BCG sub-strains and identification of potential triggers of sub-strains’ transition. Results: Genomes of three BCG Russia seed lots (1963, 1982, 2006 years) have been sequenced, and the stability of vaccine sub-strain genomes has been confirmed. A com- parative genome analysis of nine Mycobacterium bovis BCG and three M. bovis strains revealed their specific genome features associated with prophage profiles. A number of prophage-coded homologs to Caudovirales ORFs were common to all BCG genomes. Prophage profiles of BCG Tice and BCG Montreal genomes were unique and coded homologs to herpes viruses ORFs. The data of phylogenetic analysis of BCG sub-strain groups based on whole genome sequences and genome restriction maps were in con- gruence with prophage profiles. The only fragmentary similarity of specific prophage sequences of BCG Tice, BCG Montreal, and BCG Russia 368 in pair-wise alignments was observed, suggesting the impact of prophages on mosaic structure of genomes. Conclusions: The whole genome sequencing approach is essential for genomes with mosaic structure, harboring numerous prophage sequences. Tools for prophage search are effective instruments in this analysis.

September 22, 2019

Long-read whole genome sequencing and comparative analysis of six strains of the human pathogen Orientia tsutsugamushi.

Orientia tsutsugamushi is a clinically important but neglected obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen of the Rickettsiaceae family that causes the potentially life-threatening human disease scrub typhus. In contrast to the genome reduction seen in many obligate intracellular bacteria, early genetic studies of Orientia have revealed one of the most repetitive bacterial genomes sequenced to date. The dramatic expansion of mobile elements has hampered efforts to generate complete genome sequences using short read sequencing methodologies, and consequently there have been few studies of the comparative genomics of this neglected species.We report new high-quality genomes of O. tsutsugamushi, generated using PacBio single molecule long read sequencing, for six strains: Karp, Kato, Gilliam, TA686, UT76 and UT176. In comparative genomics analyses of these strains together with existing reference genomes from Ikeda and Boryong strains, we identify a relatively small core genome of 657 genes, grouped into core gene islands and separated by repeat regions, and use the core genes to infer the first whole-genome phylogeny of Orientia.Complete assemblies of multiple Orientia genomes verify initial suggestions that these are remarkable organisms. They have larger genomes compared with most other Rickettsiaceae, with widespread amplification of repeat elements and massive chromosomal rearrangements between strains. At the gene level, Orientia has a relatively small set of universally conserved genes, similar to other obligate intracellular bacteria, and the relative expansion in genome size can be accounted for by gene duplication and repeat amplification. Our study demonstrates the utility of long read sequencing to investigate complex bacterial genomes and characterise genomic variation.

September 22, 2019

Raising the stakes: Loss of efflux pump regulation decreases meropenem susceptibility in Burkholderia pseudomallei

Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of the high-mortality disease melioidosis, is a gram-negative bacterium that is naturally resistant to many antibiotics. There is no vaccine for melioidosis, and effective eradication is reliant on biphasic and prolonged antibiotic administration. The carbapenem drug meropenem is the current gold standard option for treating severe melioidosis. Intrinsic B. pseudomallei resistance toward meropenem has not yet been documented; however, resistance could conceivably develop over the course of infection, leading to prolonged sepsis and treatment failure.We examined our 30-year clinical collection of melioidosis cases to identify B. pseudomallei isolates with reduced meropenem susceptibility. Isolates were subjected to minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) testing toward meropenem. Paired isolates from patients who had evolved decreased susceptibility were subjected to whole-genome sequencing. Select agent-compliant genetic manipulation was carried out to confirm the molecular mechanisms conferring resistance.We identified 11 melioidosis cases where B. pseudomallei isolates developed decreased susceptibility toward meropenem during treatment, including 2 cases not treated with this antibiotic. Meropenem MICs increased from 0.5-0.75 µg/mL to 3-8 µg/mL. Comparative genomics identified multiple mutations affecting multidrug resistance-nodulation-division (RND) efflux pump regulators, with concomitant overexpression of their corresponding pumps. All cases were refractory to treatment despite aggressive, targeted therapy, and 2 were associated with a fatal outcome.This study confirms the role of RND efflux pumps in decreased meropenem susceptibility in B. pseudomallei. These findings have important ramifications for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of life-threatening melioidosis cases.

September 22, 2019

T-independent IFN? and B cells cooperate to prevent mortality associated with disseminated Chlamydia muridarum genital tract infection.

CD4 T cells and antibody are required for optimal acquired immunity to C. muridarum genital tract infection, and T cell-mediated IFN? production is necessary to clear infection in the absence of humoral immunity. However, the role of T cell-independent immune responses during primary infection remains unclear. We investigated this question by inoculating wild-type and immune-deficient mice with C. muridarum CM001, a clonal isolate capable of enhanced extragenital replication. Genital inoculation of wild-type mice resulted in transient dissemination to the lungs and spleen that then was rapidly cleared from these organs. However, CM001 genital infection proved lethal for STAT1-/- and IFNG-/- mice, where IFN? signaling is absent, and for Rag1-/- mice that lack T and B cells, but retain innate IFN? signaling. In contrast, B cell-deficient muMT mice that can generate a Th1 response, and T cell-deficient mice with intact B cell and innate IFN? signaling survived. These data collectively indicate that IFN? prevents lethal CM001 dissemination in the absence of T cells and suggests a B cell co-requirement. Adoptive transfer of convalescent immune sera, but not naïve IgM, to Rag1-/- mice infected with CM001 significantly increased survival time, while transfer of naïve B cells completely rescued Rag1-/- mice from CM001 lethality. Protection was associated with a significant reduction in the lung chlamydial burden of genitally infected mice. These data reveal an important cooperation between T-independent B cell responses and innate IFN? in chlamydial host defense, and suggest interactions between T-independent antibody and IFN? are essential for limiting extragenital dissemination. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

September 22, 2019

A molecular window into the biology and epidemiology of Pneumocystis spp.

Pneumocystis, a unique atypical fungus with an elusive lifestyle, has had an important medical history. It came to prominence as an opportunistic pathogen that not only can cause life-threatening pneumonia in patients with HIV infection and other immunodeficiencies but also can colonize the lungs of healthy individuals from a very early age. The genus Pneumocystis includes a group of closely related but heterogeneous organisms that have a worldwide distribution, have been detected in multiple mammalian species, are highly host species specific, inhabit the lungs almost exclusively, and have never convincingly been cultured in vitro, making Pneumocystis a fascinating but difficult-to-study organism. Improved molecular biologic methodologies have opened a new window into the biology and epidemiology of Pneumocystis. Advances include an improved taxonomic classification, identification of an extremely reduced genome and concomitant inability to metabolize and grow independent of the host lungs, insights into its transmission mode, recognition of its widespread colonization in both immunocompetent and immunodeficient hosts, and utilization of strain variation to study drug resistance, epidemiology, and outbreaks of infection among transplant patients. This review summarizes these advances and also identifies some major questions and challenges that need to be addressed to better understand Pneumocystis biology and its relevance to clinical care. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

September 22, 2019

MIRU-profiler: a rapid tool for determination of 24-loci MIRU-VNTR profiles from assembled genomes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis (TB) resulted in an estimated 1.7 million deaths in the year 2016. The disease is caused by the members of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, which includes Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis and other closely related TB causing organisms. In order to understand the epidemiological dynamics of TB, national TB control programs often conduct standardized genotyping at 24 Mycobacterial-Interspersed-Repetitive-Units (MIRU)-Variable-Number-of-Tandem-Repeats (VNTR) loci. With the advent of next generation sequencing technology, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has been widely used for studying TB transmission. However, an open-source software that can connect WGS and MIRU-VNTR typing is currently unavailable, which hinders interlaboratory communication. In this manuscript, we introduce the MIRU-profiler program which could be used for prediction of MIRU-VNTR profile from WGS of M. tuberculosis.The MIRU-profiler is implemented in shell scripting language and depends on EMBOSS software. The in-silico workflow of MIRU-profiler is similar to those described in the laboratory manuals for genotyping M. tuberculosis. Given an input genome sequence, the MIRU-profiler computes alleles at the standard 24-loci based on in-silico PCR amplicon lengths. The final output is a tab-delimited text file detailing the 24-loci MIRU-VNTR pattern of the input sequence.The MIRU-profiler was validated on four datasets: complete genomes from NCBI-GenBank (n = 11), complete genomes for locally isolated strains sequenced using PacBio (n = 4), complete genomes for BCG vaccine strains (n = 2) and draft genomes based on 250 bp paired-end Illumina reads (n = 106).The digital MIRU-VNTR results were identical to the experimental genotyping results for complete genomes of locally isolated strains, BCG vaccine strains and five out of 11 genomes from the NCBI-GenBank. For draft genomes based on short Illumina reads, 21 out of 24 loci were inferred with a high accuracy, while a number of inaccuracies were recorded for three specific loci (ETRA, QUB11b and QUB26). One of the unique features of the MIRU-profiler was its ability to process multiple genomes in a batch. This feature was tested on all complete M. tuberculosis genome (n = 157), for which results were successfully obtained in approximately 14 min.The MIRU-profiler is a rapid tool for inference of digital MIRU-VNTR profile from the assembled genome sequences. The tool can accurately infer repeat numbers at the standard 24 or 21/24 MIRU-VNTR loci from the complete or draft genomes respectively. Thus, the tool is expected to bridge the communication gap between the laboratories using WGS and those using the conventional MIRU-VNTR typing.

September 22, 2019

Molecular characterization of invasive meningococcal isolates in Burkina Faso as the relative importance of serogroups X and W increases, 2008-2012.

Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A disease in Burkina Faso has greatly decreased following introduction of a meningococcal A conjugate vaccine in 2010, yet other serogroups continue to pose a risk of life-threatening disease. Capsule switching among epidemic-associated serogroup A N. meningitidis strains could allow these lineages to persist despite vaccination. The introduction of new strains at the national or sub-national levels could affect the epidemiology of disease.Isolates collected from invasive meningococcal disease in Burkina Faso between 2008 and 2012 were characterized by serogrouping and molecular typing. Genome sequences from a subset of isolates were used to infer phylogenetic relationships.The ST-5 clonal complex (CC5) was identified only among serogroup A isolates, which were rare after 2010. CC181 and CC11 were the most common clonal complexes after 2010, having serogroup X and W isolates, respectively. Whole-genome phylogenetic analysis showed that the CC181 isolates collected during and after the epidemic of 2010 formed a single clade that was closely related to isolates collected in Niger during 2005 and Burkina Faso during 2007. Geographic population structure was identified among the CC181 isolates, where pairs of isolates collected from the same region of Burkina Faso within a single year had less phylogenetic diversity than the CC181 isolate collection as a whole. However, the reduction of phylogenetic diversity within a region did not extend across multiple years. Instead, CC181 isolates collected during the same year had lower than average diversity, even when collected from different regions, indicating geographic mixing of strains across years. The CC11 isolates were primarily collected during the epidemic of 2012, with sparse sampling during 2011. These isolates belong to a clade that includes previously described isolates collected in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger from 2011 to 2015. Similar to CC181, reduced phylogenetic diversity was observed among CC11 isolate pairs collected from the same regions during a single year.The population of disease-associated N. meningitidis strains within Burkina Faso was highly dynamic between 2008 and 2012, reflecting both vaccine-imposed selection against serogroup A strains and potentially complex clonal waves of serogroup X and serogroup W strains.

September 22, 2019

Potential survival and pathogenesis of a novel strain, Vibrio parahaemolyticus FORC_022, isolated from a soy sauce marinated crab by genome and transcriptome analyses.

Vibrio parahaemolyticus can cause gastrointestinal illness through consumption of seafood. Despite frequent food-borne outbreaks of V. parahaemolyticus, only 19 strains have subjected to complete whole-genome analysis. In this study, a novel strain of V. parahaemolyticus, designated FORC_022 (Food-borne pathogen Omics Research Center_022), was isolated from soy sauce marinated crabs, and its genome and transcriptome were analyzed to elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms. FORC_022 did not include major virulence factors of thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and TDH-related hemolysin (trh). However, FORC_022 showed high cytotoxicity and had several V. parahaemolyticus islands (VPaIs) and other virulence factors, such as various secretion systems (types I, II, III, IV, and VI), in comparative genome analysis with CDC_K4557 (the most similar strain) and RIMD2210633 (genome island marker strain). FORC_022 harbored additional virulence genes, including accessory cholera enterotoxin, zona occludens toxin, and tight adhesion (tad) locus, compared with CDC_K4557. In addition, O3 serotype specific gene and the marker gene of pandemic O3:K6 serotype (toxRS) were detected in FORC_022. The expressions levels of genes involved in adherence and carbohydrate transporter were high, whereas those of genes involved in motility, arginine biosynthesis, and proline metabolism were low after exposure to crabs. Moreover, the virulence factors of the type III secretion system, tad locus, and thermolabile hemolysin were overexpressed. Therefore, the risk of foodborne-illness may be high following consumption of FORC_022 contaminated crab. These results provided molecular information regarding the survival and pathogenesis of V. parahaemolyticus FORC_022 strain in contaminated crab and may have applications in food safety.

September 22, 2019

Transcriptome analysis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae during natural infection reveals differential expression of antibiotic resistance determinants between men and women.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a bacterial pathogen responsible for the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhea. Emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of N. gonorrhoeae worldwide has resulted in limited therapeutic choices for this infection. Men who seek treatment often have symptomatic urethritis; in contrast, gonococcal cervicitis in women is usually minimally symptomatic, but may progress to pelvic inflammatory disease. Previously, we reported the first analysis of gonococcal transcriptome expression determined in secretions from women with cervical infection. Here, we defined gonococcal global transcriptional responses in urethral specimens from men with symptomatic urethritis and compared these with transcriptional responses in specimens obtained from women with cervical infections and in vitro-grown N. gonorrhoeae isolates. This is the first comprehensive comparison of gonococcal gene expression in infected men and women. RNA sequencing analysis revealed that 9.4% of gonococcal genes showed increased expression exclusively in men and included genes involved in host immune cell interactions, while 4.3% showed increased expression exclusively in women and included phage-associated genes. Infected men and women displayed comparable antibiotic-resistant genotypes and in vitro phenotypes, but a 4-fold higher expression of the Mtr efflux pump-related genes was observed in men. These results suggest that expression of AMR genes is programed genotypically and also driven by sex-specific environments. Collectively, our results indicate that distinct N. gonorrhoeae gene expression signatures are detected during genital infection in men and women. We propose that therapeutic strategies could target sex-specific differences in expression of antibiotic resistance genes.IMPORTANCE Recent emergence of antimicrobial resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae worldwide has resulted in limited therapeutic choices for treatment of infections caused by this organism. We performed global transcriptomic analysis of N. gonorrhoeae in subjects with gonorrhea who attended a Nanjing, China, sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinic, where antimicrobial resistance of N. gonorrhoeae is high and increasing. We found that N. gonorrhoeae transcriptional responses to infection differed in genital specimens taken from men and women, particularly antibiotic resistance gene expression, which was increased in men. These sex-specific findings may provide a new approach to guide therapeutic interventions and preventive measures that are also sex specific while providing additional insight to address antimicrobial resistance of N. gonorrhoeae. Copyright © 2018 Nudel et al.

September 22, 2019

Comprehensive evaluation of the host responses to infection with differentially virulent classical swine fever virus strains in pigs.

Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) infection causes most variable clinical syndromes from chronic or latent infection to acute death, and it is generally acknowledged that the course of disease is affected by both virus and host factors. To compare host immune responses to differentially virulent CSFV strains in pigs, fifteen 8-week-old specific-pathogen-free pigs were randomly divided into four groups and inoculated with the CSFV Shimen strain (a highly virulent strain), the HLJZZ2014 strain (a moderately virulent strains), C-strain (an avirulent strain), and DMEM (mock control), respectively. Infection with the Shimen or HLJZZ2014 strain resulted in fever, clinical signs and histopathological lesions, which were not observed in the C-strain-inoculated pigs, though low viral genome copies were detected in the peripheral blood and tissue samples. The data showed that the virulence of the strains affected the outcome of duration and intensity of the disease rather than the tissue tropism of the virus. Furthermore, leukopenia, lymphocytopenia, differentiation of T-cells, and the secretion of cytokines associated with inflammation or apoptosis such as interferon alpha (IFN-a), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 were induced by the virulent CSFV infection, the differences reflected in onset and extent of the regulation. Taken together, our results revealed that the major differences among the three strains resided in the kinetics of host response to the infection: severe and immediate with the highly virulent strain, while progressive and delayed with the moderately virulent one. This comparative study will help to dissect the pathogenesis of CSFV. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

September 22, 2019

Characterization of Haemophilus parasuis serovar 2 CL120103, a moderately virulent strain in China

Haemophilus parasuis is an important bacterium affecting pigs, causing Glässer’s disease. To further characterize this species, we determined the complete genomic sequence of H. parasuis CL120103, which was isolated from diseased pigs. The strain H. parasuis CL120103 was identified as serovar 2. The size of the largest scaffold is 2,326,318 bp and contains 145 large contigs, with the N50 contig being 20,573 bp in length. The complete genome of H. parasuis CL120103 is 2,305,354 bp in length with 39.97% GC content and contains 2227 protein-coding genes, 19 ribosomal rRNA operons and 60 tRNA genes. Sequence similarity of the genome of H. parasuis CL120103 to the previously sequenced genome of H. parasuis was up to 96% and query cover to 86%. Annotation of the genome of H. parasuis CL120103 identified a number of genes encoding potential virulence factors. These virulence factors are involved in metabolism, adhesion, secretion and LPS biosynthesis. These related genes pave the way to better understand mechanisms underlying metabolic capabilities. The comprehensive genetic and phylogenetic analysis shows that H. parasuis is closely related to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and provides a foundation for future experimental confirmation of the virulence and pathogen-host interactions in H. parasuis.

September 22, 2019

Koala genome insights.

A new study in Nature Genetics leverages long-read sequencing to generate a high-quality reference genome for the modern koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, and reports various inferences about adaptation and conservation of this species classified as ‘vulnerable’.

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