

This blog features voices from PacBio — and our partners and colleagues — discussing the latest research, publications, and updates about HiFi sequencing.


August 8, 2023  |  Sequencing 101

Sequencing 101: SBB sequencing

SBB sequencing

Since the inception of next generation sequencing (NGS) more than a decade ago, short-read sequencing accuracy has seen only marginal improvement. Having achieved a level of precision thought to be…

June 29, 2023  |  Human genetics research

Population genomics isn’t ‘one-size-fits-all’

Image of earth from space

Delve deeper into the importance of capturing diversity with population-specific reference pangenomes. The movement towards the development of pangenomes is gaining steam, bringing the reality of truly personalized medicine closer….

June 14, 2023  |  Human genetics research

A HiFi movement – reference pangenomes

human pangenome china featured image

Fresh off the special Nature issue last month on the first human pangenome reference (featured in a previous blog), the first regional human pangenome reference study, entitled A Pangenome Reference…

May 18, 2023  |  Sequencing methods

Sequencing 101: Sequencing coverage

sequencing coverage social image

This article explores sequencing coverage fundamentals. Uncover key concepts and discover how highly accurate long-read sequencing provides a comprehensive view of the genome, at any coverage level. What is sequencing…

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