SMRT Grant Winner: Uncovering the Metabolic Secrets of Hibernation
What has four legs, lots of fat and fur, and will possibly help uncover novel mechanisms to combat diabetes? Grizzly bears! If humans were to undergo regular, extended cycles of…
This blog features voices from PacBio — and our partners and colleagues — discussing the latest research, publications, and updates about HiFi sequencing.
What has four legs, lots of fat and fur, and will possibly help uncover novel mechanisms to combat diabetes? Grizzly bears! If humans were to undergo regular, extended cycles of…
You may be more likely to get five gold rings or three French hens than two Turtle doves this Christmas. The subject of the famous holiday carol is in precipitous…
UPDATED January 18, 2019 This paper is now available at Genes. ORIGINAL POST December 19, 2018 High-quality reference and de novo genomes have been celebrated by geneticists, population biologists and conservationists…
Its reliable return to the same spot year after year has made the barn swallow a beloved symbol of Spring and safe passage, for mariners and landlubbers alike. But our…
Their bodies are big, bony and… warm? Unique among bony fish, Atlantic, Pacific and Southern bluefin tuna have a rare endothermic physiology that has garnered great interest among scientists. Like…
The new reference genome for Aedes aegypti, just published in Nature, famously got its start through a crowdsourced effort on social media, beginning with a tweet from Rockefeller University scientist…
Many thanks to all the PacBio users who attended our annual user group meeting, hosted in St. Louis for the first time. It was great to see so many people…
King scallops are more genetically diverse than we are? The Roesel’s bush cricket’s genome is four times the size of ours? These are just some of the findings made by…
UPDATED Dec. 3, 2018 Congratulations to the Italian team on the publication of their European barn swallow genome! The paper is now available at GigaScience. ORIGINAL POST Oct. 3, 2018 With…
When creating a global genomic ark of creatures great and small, scientists are turning to the comprehensive coverage and quality of PacBio sequencing. The Vertebrate Genomes Project (VGP), an international…
Genetics is not only key to discovering and tracing new traits in an organism, but also conserving old ones — and in some cases, the species itself. A deep understanding…
Brought to the brink of extinction, the future of Hawaii’s only lineage of the crow family (Corvidae) is looking up thanks to intensive conservation genomics efforts using PacBio de novo…
“Live every week like it’s Shark Week,” 30 Rock character Tracy Jordan once quipped to Kenneth the Page, referencing the week-long, dorsal-finned programming phenomenon that has become the Discovery Channel…
When was the last time you sent your DNA off to a day at the spa? Olga Pettersson of the SciLifeLab at Uppsala University lets her molecules relax for up…
To understand the epigenetic regulation of brain function and behavior, scientists are turning to ants. To understand the ants, they are applying the accurate, long reads of SMRT Sequencing. While…
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