SMRTbell library prep for HiFi sequencing
HiFi prep kit 96PN: 103-381-200
The HiFi prep kit 96 contains reagents for preparing SMRTbell libraries. This kit includes library prep reagents, SMRTbell cleanup beads, SMRTbell adapter index plate 96A, buffer LTE HT, and elution buffer.
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HiFi plex prep kit 96PN: 103-381-300
The HiFi plex prep kit 96 contains reagents for preparing and multiplexing SMRTbell libraries. This kit includes library prep reagents, SMRTbell cleanup beads, buffer LTE, and elution buffer.
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Revio SPRQ HiFi prep kit 96PN: 103-522-600
The Revio SPRQ HiFi prep kit 96 contains reagents for preparing sequence-ready SMRTbell libraries (96 samples). The kit includes SRE HT, HiFi prep kit 96, SMRTbell cleanup beads-85 mL, SMRTbell adapter index plate 96A, AMPure PB beads, elution buffer, and the Revio SPRQ polymerase kit 96.
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SMRTbell cleanup bead kitPN: 103-306-300
The SMRTbell cleanup bead kit contains reagents for DNA dilution and post-shearing cleanup using automated liquid handler systems. The kit includes SMRTbell cleanup beads and low TE buffer.
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SMRTbell prep kit 3.0PN: 102-182-700
The SMRTbell prep kit 3.0 contains the necessary reagents for library preparation with SMRTbell adapters. The kit also includes SMRTbell cleanup beads and low TE buffer.
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AMPure PB beads size selection kitPN: 102-182-500
The AMPure PB beads size selection kit contains paramagnetic beads and elution buffer to selectively purify double-stranded DNA less than 5 kb.
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HiFi barcoding
SMRTbell adapter index plate 96APN: 102-009-200
The SMRTbell adapter index plate 96A contains 96 indexed SMRTbell adapters in plate format (1 sample per index). The plate includes indexes bc2001–bc2096.
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SMRTbell adapter index plate 96BPN: 102-547-800
The SMRTbell adapter index plate 96B contains 96 indexed SMRTbell adapters in plate format (1 sample per index). The plate includes indexes bc2097–bc2192.
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SMRTbell adapter index plate 96CPN: 102-547-900
The SMRTbell adapter index plate 96C contains 96 indexed SMRTbell adapters in plate format (1 sample per index). The plate includes indexes bc2193–bc2288.
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SMRTbell adapter index plate 96DPN: 102-548-000
The SMRTbell adapter index plate 96D contains 96 indexed SMRTbell adapters in plate format (1 sample per index). The plate includes indexes bc2289–bc2384.
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Barcoded M13 primer platePN: 102-135-500
The barcoded M13 primer plate contains 384 barcoded M13 primer pairs in plate format (1 sample per barcoded primer pair). It includes forward barcodes bc1002–bc1017 and reverse barcodes bc1050–bc1073.
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Onso library prep
Onso fragmentation DNA library prep kitPN: 102-499-100
The Onso fragmentation DNA library prep kit is for the creation of Onso-compatible libraries from unfragmented, HMW DNA. The kit includes reagents for fragmentation, end-repair, A-tailing, and adapter ligation of DNA fragments.
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Onso DNA library prep kitPN: 102-431-400
The Onso DNA library prep kit is for the creation of Onso-compatible libraries from fragmented DNA. The kit includes reagents for end-repair, A-tailing, and adapter ligation of DNA fragments.
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Onso library amp kitPN: 102-410-800
The Onso library amp kit contains reagents for the amplification of A/P1-tailed libraries for clustering on the Onso cluster generator. The kit includes Onso-specific A/P1 primers and 2× PCR master mix.
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Onso library quant kitPN: 102-431-800
The Onso library quant kit contains reagents for quantification of A/P1-tailed libraries. It also includes qPCR reagents, standards, dilution buffer, ROX (hi/lo), and universal PCR primers.
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Onso library conversion kitPN: 102-529-500
The Onso library conversion kit contains reagents for the conversion of libraries containing P5/P7 adapter sequences to Onso-compatible libraries.
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Onso indexed library control kitPN: 102-529-900
The Onso indexed library control kit contains ready-to-use lambda spike-in control for Onso sequencing runs to determine run quality and provide sequence diversity to the library pool.
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Onso blocker oligosPN: 102-431-600
The Onso blocker oligos enable increased specificity for Onso-indexed adapter libraries in hybrid capture applications.
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Onso barcoding
Onso indexed adapter platePN: 102-431-700
The Onso indexed adapter plate contains indexed adapters suitable for combinatorial dual indexing of DNA libraries. The plate includes 96 different pairs of indices in plate format.
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