April 21, 2020

Chromosome conformation capture resolved near complete genome assembly of broomcorn millet.

Authors: Shi, Junpeng and Ma, Xuxu and Zhang, Jihong and Zhou, Yingsi and Liu, Minxuan and Huang, Liangliang and Sun, Silong and Zhang, Xiangbo and Gao, Xiang and Zhan, Wei and Li, Pinghua and Wang, Lun and Lu, Ping and Zhao, Haiming and Song, Weibin and Lai, Jinsheng

Broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) has strong tolerance to abiotic stresses, and is probably one of the oldest crops, with its earliest cultivation that dated back to ca. ~10,000 years. We report here its genome assembly through a combination of PacBio sequencing, BioNano, and Hi-C (in vivo) mapping. The 18 super scaffolds cover ~95.6% of the estimated genome (~887.8?Mb). There are 63,671 protein-coding genes annotated in this tetraploid genome. About ~86.2% of the syntenic genes in foxtail millet have two homologous copies in broomcorn millet, indicating rare gene loss after tetraploidization in broomcorn millet. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that broomcorn millet and foxtail millet diverged around ~13.1 Million years ago (Mya), while the lineage specific tetraploidization of broomcorn millet may be happened within ~5.91 million years. The genome is not only beneficial for the genome assisted breeding of broomcorn millet, but also an important resource for other Panicum species.

Journal: Nature communications
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07876-6
Year: 2019

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