September 22, 2019

Isoform sequencing provides insight into natural genetic diversity in maize.

Authors: Zhou, Yong and Zhao, Zhixuan and Zhang, Zhiyong and Fu, Miaomiao and Wu, Yongrui and Wang, Wenqin

W64A, as a member of non-stiff stalk maize, has been used to develop current corn in plant breeding, and serving as one of broadest parent line for the commercial hybrid seed production (Huffman, 1984). The inbred had the characteristics of early flowering, average plant and ear height at its maturity, very strong roots and good stalks (Runge, 2004). In addition, W64A serves as an invaluable germplasm to study gene functions especially in the field of corn nutrition and endosperm texture given its nearly complete vitreousness and hardness (Figure 1a). However, little is known about the background of genetic and genomic information for W64A. With the advent of the revolutionary technology of PacBio long-read sequencing, we can simultaneously obtain a large amount of full-length cDNA up to 20 kb (An et al., 2018). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Journal: Plant biotechnology journal
DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13063
Year: 2018

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