In 1986, members of the growing neurotrophin community came together to honor the scientific contributions (and 77th birth- day) of Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini. The celebration took the form of a conference dedicated to the field birthed by Dr. Levi-Montalcini’s discovery of nerve growth factor (NGF), for which she shared the Nobel Prize later that year with Stanley Cohen. The meeting proved to be a great success, and eventually became an ongoing series. The NGF 2016 meeting, held at the beautiful Asilomar conference cen- ter in Monterey, California, was the 13th meeting in this series, and marked the 30th anniversary of the original meeting. A diverse col- lection of investigators, representing academia and industry across 4 continents, gathered to celebrate the past 30 years, discuss the current state of the art, and share in the excitement of envisioning the next 30 years of neurotrophic factor research and applications.
Journal: International journal of developmental neuroscience
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2016.11.005
Year: 2017