
Scalable, cost-effective RNA sequencing

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What is Kinnex?

The Kinnex kits are based on the MAS-Seq method, which concatenates smaller amplicons into larger fragment libraries for throughput increase.

Kinnex kits increase throughput for full-length RNA, single-cell RNA, and 16S rRNA sequencing on PacBio long-read sequencing systems to enable large-scale studies at a resolution difficult to attain with short-read RNA sequencing.

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Kinnex for Human Genomics Research

Long-read RNA neurology symposium

In this virtual symposium, hear from a variety of researchers who are using the PacBio Iso-Seq method for bulk and single-cell transcriptomics to drive cutting-edge research in neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, and brain development.

Advancing Cardiology Research with Long-read RNA Sequencing

In this webinar, learn how long-read transcriptomics at full-length isoform resolution is transforming our understanding of heart development, function, and disease.

Leveraging isoform-level RNA sequencing to understand rare disease pathogenesis

In this webinar, Dr. Carolina Jaramillo Oquendo, a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton, presents her analyses of rare disease samples, in collaboration with the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. Dr. Oquendo also discusses her groundbreaking work demonstrating how transcriptomics, utilizing the new full-length Kinnex RNA kit.

Long-read value for RNA applications

Application Full-length RNA Single-cell RNA 16S rRNA
Sequencing goal Isoform discovery and abundance information Cell type-specific isoform isoform discovery and abundance information Species identification in metagenomics samples
Short-read shortcomings Incorrect isoform discovery and abundance information No isoforms. Only genes No species identification
Other long-read drawbacks

Lower accuracy poor transcript identification and variant calling

Lower accuracy poor transcript identification and variant calling

Lower accuracy poor transcript identification and variant calling

HiFi advantages Isoform discovery and abundance information Cell type-specific isoform discovery Species-level identification
Read the competitive whitepaper Read the competitive whitepaper Read the app note

“Long-read RNA sequencing results in more accurate measurements than any obtained from short-read RNA-Seq to determine the presence or absence of specific isoforms.”

Schertzer et al. (2024)

Kinnex application kits

Kinnex full-length RNA kit Kinnex single-cell RNA kit Kinnex 16S rRNA kit
Kit advantage Full-length isoform discovery with flexible sample multiplexing Cell type-specific isoform isoform discovery with the highest accuracy Full-length 16S rRNA for species identification
Total throughput

15-20M (Sequel II)
20-30M (Vega)
50-60M (Revio SPRQ)

30-40M (Sequel II)
50-60M (Vega)
100-120M (Revio SPRQ)

20-25M (Sequel II)
30-40M (Vega)
70-80M (Revio SPRQ)

Sample multiplexing recommendation*

5M × 3-plex (Sequel II)
5M x 6-plex (Vega)
10M × 6-plex (Revio SPRQ)

1-plex (Sequel II)
1- or 2-plex (Vega)
1- or 2-plex (Revio)

384-plex (Sequel II)
384- to 768-plex (Vega)
384- to 1,536-plex (Revio)

Analysis SMRT Link v13.0 and above SMRT Link v13.1 and above SMRT Link v13.0 and above

Read the app note

Read the tertiary tools app note

Read the SMRT Link troubleshooting guide

Read the app note

Read the Parse tech note

Read the tertiary analysis wiki

Read the SMRT Link troubleshooting guide

Read the app note

Try the 16S analysis workflow

* Sample multiplexing and read depth recommendation will vary by experimental goal, tissue, and species.

Order kits online

Targeted enrichment for Kinnex full-length RNA kit using IDT xGen HybWash v3 Reagents

The IDT xGen Hybridization and Wash kit v3 (early access) is compatible with the Kinnex full-length RNA kit. Enrich for rare isoforms of target genes and increase sample multiplexing with targeted enrichment.

Read protocol  View dataset  Read tech note

On-demand webinar

Leveraging isoform-level RNA sequencing to understand rare disease pathogenesis

See how researchers compared their experience analyzing Kinnex full-length RNA data against other sequencing technologies. Cleaner data – faster path to biological insight

Watch the full webinar

RNA sequencing datasets

Application Dataset Download literature Technology Sequencing system
Kinnex single-cell Homo sapiens - PBMC 10x Chromium Single Cell (5' and 3' libraries) Kinnex single-cell application note HiFi long-read Sequel II and Revio systems
Kinnex single-cell Homo sapiens - HG002 (10x 5') Kinnex single-cell RNA application note HiFi long-read Revio system
Kinnex full-length RNA Homo sapiens – UHRR Kinnex full-length RNA application note HiFi long-read Sequel II and Revio systems
Kinnex full-length RNA Homo sapiens – HG002 Kinnex full-length RNA application note HiFi long-read Revio system
Kinnex full-length RNA Homo sapiens - Heart Kinnex full-length RNA application note HiFi long-read Revio system
Kinnex full-length RNA Homo sapiens - Cerebellum Kinnex full-length RNA application note HiFi long-read Revio system


Achieve highly accurate full-length cDNA sequencing with PacBio long-read sequencers.

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