Learn how SMRT Analysis works for you
As part of SMRT Link, the SMRT Analysis module is your single point of access to a suite of analytical applications developed and optimized to bring to life your PacBio long-read sequencing data.
SMRT Analysis enables every user in the lab
- Scientists — Intuitive, easy-to-use graphical interface enables streamlined analysis workflows
- Bioinformatician — Command-line interface provides flexible analysis and optimization options for most efficient data processing
- Integration developer — Comprehensive set of APIs facilitates easy integration with LIMS and other applications
Analyze and get the most of your data
- Generate high-quality de novo genome assemblies
- Call variants after aligning reads to a reference sequence
- Discover full-length RNA transcripts
- Detect epigenetic modifications
- Analyze multiplexed samples
Visualize and look beyond sequence alignments
Use SMRT Analysis graphs and reports and SMRT View to explore and interact with your sequencing data:
- Browse your data — from genome-scale datasets to base-level resolution
- Review quality metrics, statistics, and graphs
- Export publication-ready figures
See the other ways to analyze your data with PacBio DevNet and SMRT compatible products